


Source:https://gso.org.tr/tr/uye-firmalar.html?s=&q=&n=15.20.15&p= | Tags:leather shoe manufacturers in Gaziantep Türkiye,leather footwear manufacturers in Gaziante Türkiye(Turkey)

ABOUD AYAKKABI VE AKSESUARLARI DERİ İTHALAT İHRACAT SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)SANAYİ MAHALLESİ 60352 NOLU SK.  NO: 14/1  ŞEHİTKAMİL/GAZİANTEP 342 324 161 1 aboudpoli@hotmail.com SHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
ABOUD AYAKKABI VE AKSESUARLARI DERİ İTHALAT İHRACAT SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ GAZİANTEP ŞUBESİ15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)KÖRKÜN MAH. RAUF DENKTAŞ CAD.  NO: 4B OĞUZELİ / GAZİANTEP 3429994743 aboudpoli@hotmail.com SHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
ADEM BİLİCİ AYBEBE AYAKKABI15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)ÇAKMAK MAH. BAŞAK SK.  NO: 31 ŞEHİTKAMİL / GAZİANTEP  adembilici27@hotmail.com SHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
AĞAYİMOĞLU AYAKKABI TERLİK SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)ÇAKMAK MAHALLESİ BAŞAK SK.  NO: 85  ŞEHİTKAMİL/GAZİANTEP  agayimoglupoli@gmail.com SHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
AKSİN KUNDURA SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)SANAYİ MAHALLESİ 60334 SK.  NO: 1/0  ŞEHİTKAMİL/GAZİANTEP 342238258503422381629info@aksin.com.trwww.aksin.com.trSHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
ALABO COMPANY PLASTİK SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)BAŞPINAR(ORGANİZE)OSB MAHALLESİ O.S.B. 5. BÖLGE 83531 NOLU CAD.  NO: 5/1  ŞEHİTKAMİL/GAZİANTEP  alabocompany@gmail.com SHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
ALMAS AYAKKABICILIK KONFEKSİYON TEKSTİL İTHALAT İHRACAT SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)SANAYİ MAHALLESİ 60123 CAD. 27 BLOK SİT. 27 BLOK APT.  NO: 5  ŞEHİTKAMİL/GAZİANTEP  muhasebe2727@outlook.com SHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
AMİR AYAKKABI TERLİK TEKSTİL DIŞ TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)SANAYİ MAH. 60302 SK.  NO: 11 ŞEHİTKAMİL / GAZİANTEP 3423289044 muhasebe@amirayakkabi.com SHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
ASİS TERLİK AYAKKABI SANAYİ İÇ VE DIŞ TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)SANAYİ MAH. 60006 NOLU CAD.  NO: 15 ŞEHİTKAMİL / GAZİANTEP 3423248412 ibrahim@ecsimportexport.com SHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
BANADIR TERLİK SANAYİ TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)SANAYİ MAHALLESİ 60235 NOLU CAD.  NO: 27  ŞEHİTKAMİL/GAZİANTEP 5388944952 info@smbehzat.com SHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
BAYMEN DERİ VE AYAKKABI SANAYİ TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)SANAYİ  60322  NO:35/1-2 ŞEHİTKAMİL/GAZİANTEP 342238022603422380714baymenayakkabi@gmail.com SHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
BELDE PLASTİK AYAKKABI SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)AYDINLAR MAH. 03074 CAD. GURSEN EKSOZ BLOK  NO: 20  İÇ KAPI NO: 1 ŞEHİTKAMİL / GAZİANTEP 3422350588,
 ahmet.surmelihindi@hotmail.com SHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
BLUESTEP AYAKKABICILIK TEKSTİL SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)SANAYİ MAHALLESİ 60224 CAD.  NO: 48/3  ŞEHİTKAMİL/GAZİANTEP  info@bluestepayakkabi.comhttp://www.bluestepayakkabi.comSHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
BÜLENT AKSİN AYAKKABICILIK SANAYİ VE TİCARET ANONİM ŞİRKETİ15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)SANAYİ MAHALLESİ 60240 CAD.  NO: 27  ŞEHİTKAMİL/GAZİANTEP0342235140803422356344info@aksin.com.trhttp://www.aksin.com.trSHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
CANER AYAKKABICILIK SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)SANAYİ MAHALLESİ 60047 NOLU SOKAK KÜSGET AYAKKABICILAR SANAYİ SİTESİ 1. ADA A BLOK NO:24 ŞEHİTKAMİL/GAZİANTEP/Türkiye03422383143 canerayakkabi@windowslive.com SHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
ÇERÇİ AYAKKABICILIK SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)BAŞPINAR(ORGANİZE)OSB O.S.B. 2.BÖLGE 83216 NOLU CAD. NO:6 ŞEHİTKAMİL/GAZİANTEP03422355887,03423372920 cerciayakkabi@hotmail.comwww.liselicerci.comSHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
CMN CLASMEN AYAKKABICILIK DERİ İNŞAAT GIDA TURİZM TEKSTİL NAKLİYAT OTOMOTİV SANAYİ TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)SANAYİ MAH. 60173 NOLU SK. NO:13 ŞEHİTKAMİL/GAZİANTEP/Türkiye  clasmen27@hotmail.com SHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
DETAY TABAN AYAKKABI DERİ ÜRÜNLERİ TEKSTİL SANAYİ TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)SANAYİ MAH. 60235 NOLU CAD. NO:15/1 ŞEHİTKAMİL/GAZİANTEP/Türkiye03422384535 kirmizigulsmm@hotmail.com SHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
DGE PLASTİK ANONİM ŞİRKETİ15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)BAŞPINAR(ORGANİZE)OSB MAH. O.S.B. 5. BÖLGE 83507 NOLU CAD.  NO: 13 ŞEHİTKAMİL / GAZİANTEP03423233333 info@dogancizme.comhttp://www.dge.com.trSHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
DMAX AYAKKABICILIK SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)SANAYİ MAHALLESİ 60131 NOLU CAD.  NO: 19 B  ŞEHİTKAMİL/GAZİANTEP  fatma.dmaxsports@outlook.com SHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
DOĞRU PLASTİK SANAYİ KOLLEKTİF ŞİRKETİ - MEHMET ALİ ZENGİN VE ORT.15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)ÇAKMAK MAH. NİZİP CAD. NO:49/H ŞAHİNBEY/GAZİANTEP/Türkiye03423245285 info@dogruplastik.com.trhttp://www.dogruplastik.com.trSHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
EFEKTİ AYAKKABI SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)SANAYİ MAHALLESİ 60047 CAD.  NO: 75/1  ŞEHİTKAMİL/GAZİANTEP03422382137 info@efectishoes.comhttp://www.efectishoes.comSHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
EFSANE AYAKKABICILIK DERİ ÜRÜNLERİ SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)KÜSGET SANAYİ BÖLGESİ 60038 NOLU CADDE NO:101 ŞEHİTKAMİL/GAZİANTEP/Türkiye03422351939 huseyin@efsaneayakkabi.com SHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
EGE TABAN SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)BAŞPINAR(ORGANİZE)OSB MAH. O.S.B. 2.BÖLGE 83205 NOLU CADDE NO:4
03423233171,0342323376003423252437vedat@egetaban.com.trwww.egetaban.com.trSHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
ERGÜN YAVUZ AYAKKABI SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)SANAYİ MAHALLESİ 60182 NOLU CAD.  NO: 22  ŞEHİTKAMİL/GAZİANTEP  ergunayakkabi27@hotmail.com SHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
ERSOY SAYINTA ERSA SPOR15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)ÇAKMAK MAHALLESİ NİZİP CAD. NO: 114/0 ŞEHİTKAMİL/GAZİANTEP  ersoysayinta@gmail.com SHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
ERVA AYAKKABICILIK DERİ VE AKSESUARLARI İTHALAT İHRACAT SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)ÇAKMAK MAHALLESİ BAŞAK SK.  NO: 46  ŞEHİTKAMİL/GAZİANTEP  ervaterlik@gmail.com SHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
ESSE POLİ TERLİK AYAKKABI İTHALAT İHRACAT SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)ÇAKMAK MAH. NİZİP CAD.  NO: 122 ŞEHİTKAMİL / GAZİANTEP  esseterlik@hotmail.com SHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
FALKON SPOR AYAKKABI SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)ÇAKMAK MAHALLESİ NİZİP CAD.  NO: 122  ŞEHİTKAMİL/GAZİANTEP0342323168603423231685mahmutozay@hotmail.com SHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
FİVE STARS POLİÜRETAN SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)SANAYİ MAH. 60026 NOLU CAD. NO:53 ŞEHİTKAMİL GAZİANTEP  fivestarskam@icloud.com SHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
GAYA STORY AYAKKABI TASARIMI ARGE VE İMALAT SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes) 03423230340 ozpolatplastik@hotmail.com SHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
GÜNDEN RİPE AYAKKABI VE TEKSTİL SANAYİ TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)SANAYİ MAH. 60224 CAD. MEHMET UÇ İŞ MERKEZİ NO:5 ŞEHİTKAMİL/GAZİANTEP/Türkiye0342238366403422383664gunden_ayakkabi@hotmail.com SHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
İLHAN ERAT AYAKKABICILIK SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)ZEYTİNLİ MAHALLESİ ÇETİN EMEÇ CAD. NO: 4 A/ ŞEHİTKAMİL/GAZİANTEP03423239927 ilhanerat@hotmail.com SHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
İLPA AYAKKABICILIK SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)SANAYİ MAH. 60332 SK.  NO: 4 ŞEHİTKAMİL / GAZİANTEP  muhasebe@ilpaayakkabi.com SHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
İNCEEFE AYAKKABICILIK İMALAT SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)SANAYİ 60235 NOLU   NO:NO: 13 ŞEHİTKAMİL/GAZİANTEP03422383765,05526093931 bygaller@hotmail.comwww.inceefe.comSHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
KAJJOUN POLİ TEKSTİL AYAKKABI TERLİK SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)BAŞPINAR(ORGANİZE)OSB MAH. O.S.B. 5. BÖLGE 83514 NOLU CAD.  NO: 18/1 ŞEHİTKAMİL / GAZİANTEP  info@kajjounpoli.com SHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
KİNGLE AYAKKABI İTHALAT İHRACAT SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)SANAYİ MAHALLESİ 60163 CAD.  NO: 20/_  ŞEHİTKAMİL/GAZİANTEP  resulgocmen@hotmail.com SHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
KOCAGÜN AYAKKABICILIK TABAN SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)SANAYİ MAHALLESİ 60171 NOLU CADDE AYAKKABICILAR SANAYİ SİTESİ 15  NOLU ADA A BLOK NO:2 ŞEHİTKAMİL/GAZİANTEP/Türkiye0342238269003422380683info@kocagunayakkabi.comwww.kocagunayakkabi.comSHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
KOŞAK AYAKKABICILIK SANAYİ TİCARET VE PAZARLAMA LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)BAŞPINAR(ORGANİZE)OSB MAHALLESİ O.S.B. 2.BÖLGE 83216 NOLU CAD.  NO: 4/0  ŞEHİTKAMİL/GAZİANTEP0342337315203423373155kosak@kosak.com.trwww.kosak.com.trSHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
KRİSTAL AYAKKABICILIK SANAYİ TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)SANAYİ MAHALLESİ 60153 CAD.  NO: 22  ŞEHİTKAMİL/GAZİANTEP0342238345603422381343info@relaxshoes.com.trwww.relaxshoes.com.trSHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
KYK KİMYA SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)BAŞPINAR(ORGANİZE)OSB MAHALLESİ O.S.B. 5. BÖLGE 83557 NOLU (GÖKSUNCUK MEVKİİ) CAD.  NO: 15/0  ŞEHİTKAMİL/GAZİANTEP03423244882 info@kykkimya.com SHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
LABRONA SHOES AYAKKABI İTHALAT İHRACAT SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)SANAYİ MAH. 60147 CAD.  NO: 54 ŞEHİTKAMİL / GAZİANTEP  labronaayakkabicilik@hotmail.com SHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
LESDEN TERLİK AYAKKABI SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)ÇAKMAK MAHALLESİ SAKİN SK.  NO: 15/1  ŞEHİTKAMİL/GAZİANTEP  omr_sarioglu@hotmail.com SHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
LOST AYAKKABI SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)SANAYİ MAHALLESİ 60236 NOLU CAD.  NO: 25 A/0  ŞEHİTKAMİL/GAZİANTEP  lostayakkabi@hotmail.com TEXTILE
LÜKS AYAKKABICILIK SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)SANAYİ MAHALLESİ 60038 NOLU SOKAK NO:136/1KÜSGET ŞEHİTKAMİL/GAZİANTEP03422351643,03422351644 muhasebe@luksayakkabi.com.trhttps://www.luksayakkabi.com.trSHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
MARKATO CROUP AYAKKABI DERİ TEKSTİL BOYA İTHALAT İHRACAT SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)SANAYİ  60278 NOLU    NO:11/A ŞEHİTKAMİL/GAZİANTEP  smmmabdullaharslan@hotmail.com SHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
MEGA SPORT AYAKKABI SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)ÇAKMAK MAH. BOSTANCI CAMİİ SK.  NO: 6  İÇ KAPI NO: 1 ŞEHİTKAMİL / GAZİANTEP  megasporayakkabi@gmail.com SHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
MEHMET ÇAĞLAR - ÇAĞLAR PLASTİK15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)ÇAKMAK MH.2 NOLU SK. N:37/2   ŞEHİTKAMİL/GAZİANTEP03423251134 mehmet_caglar_27@hotmail.com SHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
MEHMET FATİH ALTINTUĞ PARMİ TERLİK15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)ÇAKMAK MAH. NİZİP CAD.  NO: 142 ŞEHİTKAMİL / GAZİANTEP  parmiterlik@hotmail.com SHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
MELEKOĞLU AYAKKABICILIK SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)SANAYİ MAHALLESİ 60171 NOLU CADDE NO:16 ŞEHİTKAMİL/GAZİANTEP/Türkiye03422383535,0342238353603422381319melekogluayakkabi@gmail.com SHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
MİMU TERLİK VE AYAKKABI SANAYİ TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)SANAYİ MAH. 60279 CAD.  NO: 11/1  İÇ KAPI NO: 1 ŞEHİTKAMİL / GAZİANTEP03423230200 kose@kosepoli.com SHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
MONTANA AYAKKABI SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)SANAYİ MAHALLESİ 60123 CAD. NO: 4/1 ŞEHİTKAMİL/GAZİANTEP0342238174203422380765montana-27@hotmail.com SHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
NEDİM EDESSA AYAKKABI SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)SANAYİ MAH. 60047 CAD.  NO: 71  İÇ KAPI NO: 1 ŞEHİTKAMİL / GAZİANTEP03422383568 nedimedessa@hotmail.com SHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
NEF TERLİK AYAKKABI SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)ÇAKMAK MAH. NİZİP CAD.  NO: 142 ŞEHİTKAMİL / GAZİANTEP  nefterlik@hotmail.com SHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
NUR PLASTİK SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)İNCİLİ PINAR MAH. 36011 NOLU SK. MİLENYUM İŞ MERKEZİ BLOK  NO: 19  İÇ KAPI NO: 37 ŞEHİTKAMİL / GAZİANTEP  omr_sarioglu@hotmail.com SHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
PARSMEGA MAKİNA GIDA İTHALAT İHRACAT SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)İNCİLİ PINAR MAHALLESİ KAMİL OCAK CAD. FATİH İŞMERKEZİ SİT.  NO: 21/4  ŞEHİTKAMİL/GAZİANTEP03422202048 info@parsmega.com.tr SHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
POLOMAKS TERLİK AYAKKABI-İNŞAAT SANAYİ TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)ÇAKMAK MAHALLESİ BAŞAK SK.  NO: 33 A/1  ŞEHİTKAMİL/GAZİANTEP03423234427 polomaks@hotmail.com SHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
PRİZMA SPORT AYAKKABICILIK SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)ÇAKMAK MAH. NİZİP CAD. NO:98 ŞEHİTKAMİL/GAZİANTEP/Türkiye03423234500 prizmasport_27@outlook.com SHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
RAĞBET AYAKKABI SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKET15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)AYDINLAR MAH. 03076 NOLU SOKAK NO:4 KAT:3/4 ŞEHİTKAMİL/GAZİANTEP0342328911003423289110info@ragbetayakkabi.comwww.ragbetayakkabi.comSHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
RİMA LİFE AYAKKABICILIK DERİ İTHALAT İHRACAT SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)ÇAKMAK MAHALLESİ NİZİP CAD.  NO: 72/1  ŞEHİTKAMİL/GAZİANTEP03423245798 rimalife27@hotmail.com SHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
ROGGERO AYAKKABI İTHALAT İHRACAT SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)SANAYİ MAH. 60236 NOLU CAD. NO:17   NO:/ ŞEHİTKAMİL/GAZİANTEP03422384517 info@baranayakkabi.com.tr SHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
ROKTAŞ KOLEJLİ - İSTANBULLU 2001 FANTEZİ ROK İMALAT - ŞAKİR KALENDER15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)SANAYİ MAH. 60130 NOLU CAD. NO:5 ŞEHİTKAMİL/GAZİANTEP/Türkiye  fatihkalender@hotmail.com SHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
SAFİR TABAN VE AYAKKABI SANAYİ TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)SANAYİ MAHALLESİ 60177 NOLU CAD.  NO: 6/1  ŞEHİTKAMİL/GAZİANTEP  info@glamorshoes.comhttp://www.glamorshoes.comSHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
ŞAKİR KALENDER AYAKKABICILIK İÇ VE DIŞ TİCARET SANAYİ LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)SANAYİ MAH. 60130 CAD.  NO: 5  İÇ KAPI NO: 1 ŞEHİTKAMİL / GAZİANTEP  uzeyiratalay@hotmail.com SHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
SARAN AYAKKABI SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)SANAYİ MAHALLESİ 60177 NOLU CAD. NO: 4/ ŞEHİTKAMİL/GAZİANTEP03422384043 saran@saranayakkabi.com.tr SHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
SERABİEN EVA TERLİK VE PLASTİK AYAKKABICILIK SANAYİ TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)AYDINLAR MAHALLESİ 03065 CAD. TARPA APT.  NO: 7/1  ŞEHİTKAMİL/GAZİANTEP03423262092 muhasebe@serabien.com SHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
SİMPLİCİTY COMPANY TEKSTİL İTHALAT İHRACAT SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)GÜVENEVLER MAH. 29046 CAD. E BLOK SİTESİ YEDİ TEPE SİTESİ BLOK  NO: 2E  İÇ KAPI NO: 2 ŞEHİTKAMİL / GAZİANTEP  info@elitmuhasebe.biz SHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
SONEX AYAKKABICILIK SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)AYDINLAR MAHALLESİ 03056 CAD.  NO: 7/1  ŞEHİTKAMİL/GAZİANTEP03423230119 sonex@sonex.com.tr SHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
TEK YILDIZ AYAKKABICILIK SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)SANAYİ MAHALLESİ 60130 CAD.  NO: 17/1  ŞEHİTKAMİL/GAZİANTEP03422383230 yunustemir@hotmail.com SHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
TESSERA AYAKKABICILIK SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)SANAYİ MAH. 60047 CAD.  NO: 36 ŞEHİTKAMİL / GAZİANTEP03422383334 muhasebe@tessera.com.tr SHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
TİGER POLİÜRETAN İÇ VE DIŞ SANAYİ TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)ÇAKMAK MAH. 14003 NOLU ÇIKMAZ NO:7/A   NO:/ ŞEHİTKAMİL/GAZİANTEP03422317231 mustafa_buyuknacar@hotmail.com SHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
TOPUZ TERLİKÇİLİK SANDALET İTHALAT İHRACAT SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)SANAYİ MAH. MUSTAFA YILDIRIMDEMİR CAD.  NO: 15 ŞEHİTKAMİL / GAZİANTEP03422152707 topuzterlik@hotmail.comhttp://www.lotusterlik.comSHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
UÇ KUNDURA MALZEMELERİ SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)SANAYİ 60224 NOLU   NO:48/14 ŞEHİTKAMİL/GAZİANTEP0342238341103422383412info@uckundura.com.tr SHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
VAHAP AYAKKABICILIK SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)SANAYİ MAHALLESİ 60173 CAD.  NO: 7  ŞEHİTKAMİL/GAZİANTEP03422381355 vahapayk@hotmail.com SHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
VAHAP ÇALIKOĞLU VAHAP KUNDURA15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)SANAYİ MAH 60173 NOLU   AYAKKABICILAR SİTESİ NO:NO 7 ŞEHİTKAMİL/GAZİANTEP03422381355 vahapayk@hotmail.com SHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
YAVUZ AKNACAR IŞIKAKNACAR AYAKKABI15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)ÇAKMAK MAH. BAŞAK SK.  NO: 27 ŞEHİTKAMİL / GAZİANTEP  isikayakkabi@hotmail.com SHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS
YUSUF AKNACAR ZERO LİFE AYAKKABI İMALATI VE TOPTAN SATIŞI15.20.15Manufacture of leather shoes, boots, slippers, etc. (except all-textile products and orthopedic shoes as well as skiing shoes)ÇAKMAK MAH. BAŞAK SK.  NO: 30 ŞEHİTKAMİL / GAZİANTEP  ysf.akncr@hotmail.com SHOES, SLIPPERS AND LEATHER PRODUCTS

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